Originally designed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the US Bishops Pastoral (Economic Justice for All, 1986), this event...
Respect Life Action
March for Life (Washington DC) and Cleveland Youth Rally for Life (Downtown Cleveland), various CSPJ schools participating #abortion...
Urban Plunge: Cleveland
To form a core of students who are well versed in issues of poverty in Northeast Ohio, two students from each of the following schools...
Wheels for Wages
In anticipation of the Northeast Ohio Poverty Summit and in support of raising the minimum wage, 30 Students and Teachers from St....
Holocaust remembrance play
Performance of And Then They Came for Me, a Holocaust remembrance play featuring Eva Schloss, Holocaust survivor. Productions viewed by...
Blast of Justice
Tent featuring students who participated in any CSPJ events during 2005-2006 as well as any service and/or immersion mission trips over...